Some worldwide available items are shipped from Los Angeles, CA. The three main shipping carriers offered are;
- UPS (Worldwide, Saver)
Each carrier ships at different rates for different prices. Please, take this into consideration when checking out and figure out which option best suits you for your location.
Worldwide Items Shipped to Europe:
The following policy applies to international available items and shipped all over the world.
If you are located in Europe and using UPS as a shipping carrier, please, double check your address on your hello82 account. Sometimes the address will lead the order to be sent to an access point for pickup instead of direct delivery to your home. This is based on UPS's shipping areas.
Please, contact UPS (at the contact link below) regarding your address and feel free to login to the Help Center to submit a shipping status Request Form for further assistance on shipping your order.
UPS Contact Info:
**This policy does NOT apply if you are ordering from the "EUROPE ONLY" section of